Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
Laboratory for Nanoscale Optics and Metamaterials (LaNOM)
Department of Physics, IIT Ropar

The laboratory for Nano-Scale Optics and Meta-materials was established in 2013 with a goal to pursue studies on light-matter interactions in nanophotonic structures with length scales comparable to the wavelength of light. We use custom made state-of-the-art experimental facilities to study the light scattering and spontaneous emission properties down to the single photon level in both frequency and time domain.

Primarily, we are interested to gain deterministic control over the photon density of states for quantum emitters using different class of nanophotonic structures and meta-materialslike photonic crystals, disordered structures, bio-inspired photonic structures, two-dimensional photonic and atomic layered structure. Our fundamental understanding of light-matter interaction in nano-scale photonic structures is having applications in lasing, solid state lighting, sensing, biology, and in quantum technologies.

News and Updates

1.   Congratulations to Megha for Best Oral Presentation Award: Structure-induced broadband tunable resonances in soft material based Dielectric metasurfaces”, Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi (2021).

2.   Congratulations to Sudhir for getting the Incubic Milton Chang travel grant from The optical society of America.

3.   Congratulations to Dr Rajesh V. Nair for being awarded with prestigious Swarnajayanti Fellowship.

4.   Sudhir Saini has received SPIE student travel grant and International Travel Support from SERB(DST, India) to attend the international conference held at Melbourne Australia.

5.  Omshankar, Priya, and Rajesh V Nair, "Polarization-dependent multiple Bragg diffraction in the high-energy region of three-dimensional photonic crystals," Journal of Optical Society of America B36, 2338 (2019).

6. Priya and Rajesh V. Nair, "Scaling the spatial fluctuation of spontaneous emission suppression in photonic crystals," Optics Letters44, 2811(2019).