Welcome to Murala's Homepage


Consultancy Projects

  1. Title: Image Recognition Technology to Track Retail Store (PI)
    Funding Agency: Retail-Scan Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
    Duration: 6 Months
    Status: Completed
  2. Title: Piston Detection (PI)
    Funding Agency: YAMAHA India Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad
    Duration: 1 Month

Sponsored Projects

  1. Title: Automatic Driver Assistance Technology: Fog Removal in Videos (PI)
    Funding Agency: DST-SERB
    Duration: 3 Year
    Status: In Progress
  2. Title : Endoscopy Capsule Design with Imaging (Co-PI)
    Funding Agency: DeitY
    Duration: 5 Year
    Status: In Progress


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