
"Altering supply to meet Demand"

Seeing Possibilities

Life at home is very convenient. You want something to eat or drink, the fridge is just a step away. Hostel life, however, is not so easy. We had to travel 4-5 km even for basic amenities such as buckets, mattresses, fruits, juices etc. The market outside our campus was at its infancy and was not at all organised. In this we were able to discover an entrepreneurial course of action involving developing the market just outside our campus.

Why Sugamya?

Availability of basic amenities can go a long way in making life simple. Travelling 4-5km for a glass of juice can be toiling. Not only was the market outside our campus disorganised but the canteen inside our campus was busy enjoying its monopoly. This led to dissatisfaction among students. Also, most shopkeepers in and around Ropar were unaware of this huge market. This led to the birth of sugamya which aimed at developing and organising the market outside our campus.

Building The Road Ahead

We made the shopkeepers aware about the huge potential market existing outside our campus. Teaching them basic book keeping along with monitoring the demands of the students helped them earn a higher profit. The shopkeepers were also instructed to maintain a certain standard of hygiene.


We are now proud to say that the project sugamya is self sustained. New shops opened and existing ones have been expanded. The shopkeepers now sell items in accordance with the demand and earn a higher profit altogether developing the spirit of entrepreneurialism.